
The references between [ ] are listed in publications.html for typology.
My research in this area, above the results presented in the previous
sections related to Galois geometries, has been in various directions.
In [21] the problem of packet switched networks has been attacked. We
translated it into design theoretic language. The solution of this
problem involves weighted (n,k)-arcs in projective planes and
3-dimensional codes. The main problem concerned maximal coverings. A
construction method for maximal coverings has been presented which then
turned out to be uniquely determined. This resolves a problem which
according to a statement of one of the leading experts in this area
(C.J. Colbourn , 1999) seemed inaccessible as it seemed to contain the
solution of the packing problem of plane arcs of arbitrary species. The
solution of the problem was considered to be particularly relevant and
has been the object of international research efforts for almost two
decades. In those attempts various methods were used in order to
translate the problem into different areas: graph theory [J.C.Bermond
et al. 1983], computer aided numerical analysis and design theory
[B.Yener et al., 1997], theory of projective planes [C. J. Colbourn,
2002]. Only in [21] the level of generality is reached which allows to
establish a complete solution in a generic case. It also leads to links
with coding theory which had not been known before and to a new type of
a design-theoretic problem.
More novel aspects in the approach of [21] are the use of the
graph-theoretical concept, the fractional matching number and the use
of linear programming which allows to demonstrate optimality in the
relevant generic situation. Finally in [21] the design-theoretic
formulation leads to a new type of extremal structures which
generalizes the notion of an almost projective plane: significative
examples are found in the paper.
This class of codes (both the code and its dual of Singleton defect 1) are the most valuable after the MDS codes.
In fact the problem of finding good linear codes can be described as
maximizing the minimum distance when length and dimension are given. It
is known that the minimum distance cannot exceed the Singleton bound
and MDS codes are precisely those which achieve equality. Essentially
those cannot exist for length larger than n+2. It follows that the next
problem along this line consists in the construction of codes of
Singleton defect 1.
In [AC5] and [28] we find a family of highly symmetric linear codes
whose automorphism group contains the direct product of a Galois group
and a group of permutations acting regularly. The family contains many
classical codes (the extended Hamming code, the hexacode, the
Golaycodes, the Pless codes) and also some new codes defined over GF(4)
and GF(8) with extremely good parameters. The family can be extended in
a natural way to codes defined over a ring. In fact the Z_4-linear
octacode which yields the famous Nordstrom-Robinson code belongs to the
family as well.
The paper contains also the algebraic-geometric description of one of
the two maximal NMDS codes over GF(8) (which are classified in [15]).
This is the code which possesses an unusually large group of symmetries
(direct product of an A_4 and an elementary abelian group of order 16).
The description makes use of the combinatorial notion of an ordered
design. The results closely connected to (n,k)-arcs have been
illustrated in the previous section.
In [54] new classes of LDPC codes are constructed, in some cases with
new parameters. This has been achieved via a geometric approach based
on the concept of a configuration. In view of the efficiency of the
decoding algorithm the Tanner graph associated to the code is not
allowed to contain short cycles. This poses the mathematical problem to
construct bipartite graphs with large girth. In combinatorial terms
this comes down to the construction of symmetric configurations.
Group-theoretic and combinatorial methods have been used in
[AC10] and [AC15] for the construction of new classes of configurations.
In particular in [AC15] we used the Golomb rulers and the modular Golomb rulers as key instruments.
This led to many new parameters, in particular in the cyclic case; new
upper bounds have been derived on the minimum integer E(k) (Ec(k)) such
that for every v > E(k) (Ec(k)) there exists a simmetric
v_k-configuration (cyclic simmetric).
In the area of symmetric graphs we studied in [57] the unitary graphs.
Their classification constitutes the main result of the paper. Those
graphs are a family of symmetric graphs whose vertices are the flags of
the Hermitian unital where the adjacency relation is determined by the
underlying field. They admit the unitary group as a group of
automorphisms. Those graphs play a significant role in the
classification of the symmetric graphs with complete quotients such
that the corresponding incidence relation is 2-transitive on the points.
The notion of an additive code is a vast range generalization of the
classical concept of a linear code. In the most general sense they are
linear over a finite abelian group written additively. In my research
this concept is used in a slightly restricted variant where the
alphabet is considered to be a vector space and linearity holds only with respect to the underlying field.
In the geometric interpretation the theory of linear codes is
equivalent to the theory of point sets in projective Galois spaces and
their distribution on hyperplanes. The geometric interpretation of
additive q_2-ary q-linear codes (this is a parametric subfamily) is the
theory of lines in space and their distribution on hyperplanes. This
restricted concept is in itself a far-reaching generalization of the
concept of a linear code. In fact it contains the theory of quantum
stabilizer codes as a special case. In [AC9] we use the geometric
description to prove the non-existence of an additive [12,7,5]_4-code.
The complete determination of the parameters of quaternary additive
codes of length 12 is in [45], again using geometric language. This
paper also contains the construction of a new optimal code of length
13. In [48] we present another non-existence result which in geometric
terms is equivalent to the statement that for every system of 12 lines
in PG(8, 2) there is a hyperplane containing more than 5 of those lines.
In those last years I started studying the theory of quantum codes. The
research on quantum computations, although still in an embryonal state,
is extremely active, supported also by national governments and
military agencies.
The quantum error-correcting codes are very significant in protecting
from information errors in a future quantum computer. The construction
of a quantum computer currently is the aim of various research groups.
Potentially a quantum computer may be able to solve problems much
faster than any classical computer. One popular example is the
of composite numbers, a problem which is at the heart of the most
common cryptographical algorithms.
The fundamental work of CRSS (1998) translates the problem of error
correction in quantum computations into the language of coding theory
over finite fields (quantum stabilizer codes, a special case of
additive codes). In [43] we take another step forward
by translating the problem of quantum error-correction into a geometric language: binary quantum
codes and more in general quaternary additive codes are described in
terms of systems of points and lines in binary Galois spaces. This
approach has shed new light on some classical quantum code families,
has allowed new constructions and has led to relations with objects
like quadrics and APN functions (a basic concept in the cryptographical
theory of S-boxes). This geometric point of view has allowed us in [43]
to solve certain problems concerning the existence of optimal quantum
codes, in particular the construction of quantum codes with new
parameters. An analogous geometric approach was used in [51] to
demonstrate the non-existence of a [[13, 5, 6]] quantum stabilizer code,
thus solving a problem which has been open for years. The proof relies
not only on systems of points and lines in the ambient space PG(7,2)
but also in certain subspaces and factor spaces. As a consequence
several open problems have been removed from the database M. Grassl,
In [AC18], [L2], [53], we study linear quantum codes with parameters
[[n, n -10, 4]] via their geometric counterparts, caps in
PG(4, 4)
satisfying the property that the intersection cardinality with any
hyperplane always has the same parity as the cardinality n. In
particular we determine the spectrum of those caps and we obtain a
complete classification of the extremal examples. Those examples have
been used to obtain inductive definitions of infinite families of
quantum caps in higher dimension.
General constructions for quantum codes over arbitrary finite fields
are described in [58]. One such construction generalizes a theorem from
the fundamental paper by CRSS. The central part of our paper consists
of the study of quantum caps in quaternary projective spaces. Various
recursive constructions are obtained.