
The references between [ ] are listed in publications.html for typology.
The first area of study in this field was the spectrum of
cardinalities and the geometrical properties of complete arcs and caps in
Galois geometries PG(r,q). An n-arc is a set of n points such that no more than
(r+1) are on a hyperplane. It is complete if it is not contained in an
(n+1)-arc. Their coding theoretic equivalent are MDS-codes. A cap in PG(r,q) is
a set of points no three of which are collinear. It is complete if every point
in space is collinear with some two points of the cap. Complete caps are of
particular interest in coding theory as they are equivalent to q-ary linear
quasi-perfect codes of redundancy (r+1) and minimum distance 4. It was in fact
the link between information theory and Galois geometries which stimulated the
research, initiated by B. Segre in 1950s, into the possible cardinalities of
In various cases this study has relied on intricate computer
calculations. It is complicated to arrive at a satisfactory theoretical solution
as the geometric, combinatorial and also group theoretic properties of finite
planes vary considerably with the arithmetic properties of the order. This is a
costumary phenomenon in number theory.
Not many general results are known. In
the case of the maximum possible cardinality this is a special case of the
packing problem as formulated in the Congress “R.C. Bose Memorial Conference on
Statistical Design and related Combinatorics” – Fort-Collins, Colorado. The same
is true of the problem of determining the smallest cardinality of complete arcs
or caps. A complete theoretical determination of the maximum cardinality of
complete caps is known only in dimensions two and three: if the dimension is two
the maximum size is q+1 (a conic) if q is odd and q+2 (hyperovals) if q is
even; if the dimension is three the maximum size is q^2 + 1 (elliptic
My research in this area has produced results in the following
Each arc
in PG(r,q) produces via a sequence of projections a plane arc. This leads to the
situation that plane arcs are important in the general context of Galois
geometries. My attack on the problems defined by B. Segre were based on
algebraic geometry over finite fields and on combinatorial methods.
study of the connections between finite geometries and the theory of algebraic
curves initiated in the 1950s with the fundamental works by Segre himself. This
theory received an important impulse in the late 1980s by the Stöhr-Voloch
theory concerning the number of rational points of an algebraic curve over a
finite field. The central idea behind this theory is that curves with many
rational points must have certain non-classical characteristics. The study of
non-classical curves is the main instrument used to obtain the recent results on
the possible cardinalities of complete arcs in the plane. More specifically the
second largest cardinality of complete arcs is not known in general. Certain
limits on this number are due to B. Segre, J.F. Voloch, J.A. Thas, J.W.P.
Hirschfeld and G. Korchmáros. The proofs of these results are all based on the
original idea of Segre's to associate to an n-arc in PG(2,q) an algebraic curve
defined over GF(q) whose number of rational points is at least n(q-n+2). This
algebraic curve is called the envelope of the arc.
In [18] we study the
components of the envelopes of sufficiently large arcs, in odd characteristic.
In particular we concentrate on components that contain special points -
rational points of the envelope which are neither singular nor flexes. The Stöhr
-Voloch theory yields an estimate for the number of rational points which in
turn allows to derive a limit for the cardinality of the complete arc. This
limit depends only on q and on the last Frobenius order of the linear series
intersected on this component by the conics of the plane. We also determine
explicitly the classes of curves which can occur as irreducible components of
large complete arcs. Those curves are classical with respect to the linear
series determined by the lines but neither classical nor Frobenius classical
with respect to the conics. Those results have motivated further studies into
those classes of curves, among others in the works of A.Aguglia-G.Korchmáros and
of M.Giulietti where new results concerning their number of rational points are
In [29] we construct highly symmetric arcs using the most symmetric
curves of degrees 4 (the Klein quartic) and 6 (the Wiman sextic). More precisely
it is shown that the sets of their flexes, of cardinality 24 and 72
respectively, in almost all characteristics form arcs admitting PSL(2,7) and A_6
as symmetry groups, respectively. Moreover those arcs turn out to be complete in
all cases when complete arcs of that size are theoretically possible.
[55], using the immersion of A_6 in PGL(3,k), arcs of projective planes which
are invariant under the action of A_6 are studied, obtaining for some values of
q complete plane arcs of size less then the size of known complete
We focussed attention on the determination of complete arcs of
small cardinaltity, the aim being to solve the problem of the smallest
cardinality. In complete generality this problem appears to be untractable. This
problem has received much attention: in the beginning of my research the
knowledge of the minimal order in PG(2, q) was limited to cases q<=16 and
general constructions were limited to cardinalities in the central part of
the spectrum.
In [6], [19], [37], [AC16] the minimum order was determined
in PG(2, q) for 17<=q<=32. In cases q<= 27 we also determined the
spectrum of complete arcs and completed the classification up to
In order to obtain those results it has been necessary to
use a sophisticated system of electronic calculations based on the
geometric-group theoretic properties. In fact the difficulties
increase exponentially with q: to this aim we developed algorithms which use
the geometric symmetry properties of the ambient space in order to reduce the
number of cases to be considered and in order to avoid the construction of
isomorphic copies of the same solution. In particular a hybrid algorithm has
been developed which combines a classification step with an exhaustive search
step based on backtracking. The advantage of this approach is in the fact that
the informations concerning symmetries of the objects obtained in the
classification process are used in the subsequent step. This allows the exclusion
of cases which are equivalent to cases already considered.
In [39] we develop
a construction of arcs obtained by adding to a fixed highly saturating arc
orbits of its stabilizer. This approach produces in particular in case q=37
complete arcs of cardinality smaller than previously known, case q=37 being
the first open case in this respect. In [9] we present a geometric-group
theoretic construction of an infinite family of small complete arcs which in
certain cases yields the minimum cardinality.
In [30] a large number of small
arcs in PG(2,q), q<1000, are obtained, using randomized and heuristic
algorithms and by manipulating the orbits of symmetry groups acting on PG(2, q).
The results suggest certain general conjectures concerning the behaviour of the
cardinalities close to the minimal cardinality.
The refinement of a
randomized greedy algorithm developed in [30] for the search of point sets with
interesting extremal properties has led to search process for larger values of q
(up to about 80,000). This led to the examples described in [AC19], [42], [52]
[AC19], [AC22] and [56]: in many cases those examples produce new bounds on the
minimum length of plane complete arcs. The bulk of the data produced by the
heuristic algorithms has been analyzed in [AC24] where the asymptotic behaviour
of the bound on the minimal length of complete plane arcs has been
In [41] we develop a procedure for the construction of arcs of
cardinality 6( √q -1) in planes of order 2^{4h+2}. Those arcs turn out to be
complete for q <=2^18.
General constructions for complete arcs sharing
many points with a conic have been the objective of [AC17], [52] e [60]. In
[AC17] and [60] we find complete arcs in PG(2, 17) and in PG(2, 59) which
consist of (q + 3)/2 points on a conic and 4 and 3 points outside, respectively.
Those are counterexamples to a result by G. Pellegrino from 1977 which states
that for q=1 (mod 4) a complete arc with (q + 3)/2 points on a conic can have at
most 2 points outside that conic.
The ovals - plane (q + 1)-arcs - have the
property to admit precisely one tangent in each point. In [AC11] and [46] we
consider point sets in the plane with this property, the so-called semiovals.
Those structures are of intrinsic geometric interest and also possess
cryptographic applications (Batten 2000). We obtain characterization results,
constructions and non-existence results. We also construct new examples of
semiovals of large cardinality.
2.2. PLANE (n, k)-ARCS
natural generalization of the concept of an arc in the plane is the notion of an
(n, k)-arc (or arc of species k): a set of n points no k + 1 of which are
collinear. A natural class of examples of an (n, k)-arc in PG(2, q) is
constituted by the GF(q)-rational points of a plane algebraic curve
defined over GF(q) without linear components. Here n is the number of such
points and k is the degree of the curve. In general such an (n, k)-arc is
incomplete. In [17] the interesting problem is addressed when those (n, k)-arcs
will in fact be complete. This problem has initially been posed by Hirschfeld
and Voloch. They gave a partial answer in case k = 3: apart from conics and
cubics only a small number of examples were known, the Hermitian curves among
them. The Hermitian curve is non-singular and not Frobenius classic with
respect to the linear system determined by the lines of the plane. It was then
natural to ask if the rational points of every non Frobenius classical curve
form a complete (n, k)-arc. In [17] we give an affirmative answer under the
additional hypothesis that the degree of the dual curve is less than q +1:
this condition turns out to be satisfied by a certain sporadic curve defined
over GF(8): it follows from a recent result due to J.Top that the curve mentioned
above and the Fermat quartic over GF(9) are the only curves of genus 3 over GF(q)
with more than 2q +6 rational points. In [17] we also present various examples
of complete (n, k)-arcs derived from algebraic curves: we emphasize that in many
of those cases geometrical structures with those parameters had not been known
To each plane (n, k)-arc is canonically associated a linear code of
length n and dimension 3: its error-correcting capability increases with the
difference n-k (the redundancy). For fixed k one is therefore interested in the
largest value of n for an (n, k)-arc (packing problem). Species 3 is
particularly interesting as the (n, 3)-arcs in the plane correspond to linear
NMDS-codes of dimension 3 (while an MDS code [n, k, d] has minimum distance
meeting the bound n-k+1 an NMDS code has minimum distance n-k and its dual
has minimum distance k) In [10], [26] the packing problem for arcs of species 3
in PG(2, 11) and PG(2, 13) is resolved. The largest maximal length of an (n,
3)-arc is 21 and 23, respectively. Also the classification of the examples of
maximal order is given. This result is proved by an exhaustive search method
which utilizes geometric relationships between arcs of species 2 and 3 ([AC7])
and which uses projective equivalence relationships of certain configurations.
In [AC7] we obtain a lower bound on the maximal cardinality of an (m, r-1)-arc
in the plane contained in an (n, r)-arc and determine the arcs of species 3 of
large cardinality for q>=16. Some of those have maximal length under the
additional hypothesis to contain arcs of fixed cardinality. Recently the packing
problem for (n, k)-arcs has been resolved in PG(2, 16) as well ([AC23], [59]).
As the difficulty of the problem is exponential in q we reached the solution by
utilizing further geometric constraints concerning the structure of
the solutions. This allows to prune the search tree in places which can be
proved not to lead to a solution.
Those definitive results concerning the
packing problem yield new bounds on the existence of NMDS codes in PG(2, q), q =
11,13,16 and have allowed us via extension methods to prove the non-existence
of other related NMDS codes ([15],[59]). In particular new examples of
NMDS-codes of maximal length have been obtained in [15]. Further new results
concerning existence and classification of NMDS-codes have been obtained in
[33] and [AC1] starting from classification results of (n, 3)-arcs. As special
cases the classifications are obtained of all arcs of species 3 in PG(2, q); q =
7,8,9 in [14]. If we increase the dimension and make use of extension methods
alone for the classification of NMDS-codes, the calculation times become
unmanageable: as a first step to reduce the time we used the method to alternate
between extension and classification methods. In order to reduce the
computational complexity of the classification problem we introduced a
preclassification step based on a readily computable invariant of the code
[AC2]: this method allows us to obtain a partition of the search space in parts
each of which contains just one or a small number of equivalence classes. The
subsequent step of the classification turns out to have a linear cost in the
applications. Moreover it has turned out to be advantageous for classification
purposes to use a characterization of AMDS codes (those are more general than
NMDS-codes in the sense that there are no restrictions on the dual code) as
given in [AC4]. This has enabled us to determine the maximal of an NMDS-code in
GF(q), q=7,8,9 for each dimension ([33]). Those results have resolved numerous
cases which had been open in the specialized databases
http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/voorlincod.html (not more updated),
http://mint.sbg.ac.at and
A code is called optimal with
respect to the Griesmer bound if n>(k-2)q+k. In [41] we give a detailed
analysis of the (n, k)-arcs consisting of point orbits under the action of a
power of the Singer cycle in PG(2, q): in certain cases the Griesmer bound is
2.3. CAPS IN PG(r,q), r>2
As indicated earlier,
Segre had emphasized the importance of the determination of the spectrum of the
cardinalities of complete caps in PG(r,q) and in particular of the extreme
values, from the point of view of the applications. For example the complete
caps of minimal sizes give rise to quasi-perfect codes which for fixed
redundancy have density as close as possible to the perfect codes.
Before the
mid-1990s only two infinite families of complete caps had been constructed, both
in projective 4-spaces: one by B. Segre (1959) and the second by G. Tallini
(1964). In 1996 in [4] we described an inductive construction of complete caps
in projective spaces of arbitrary dimension over fields of characteristic 2.
These caps have size q^{r/2} in even dimension and 3q^{(r-1)/2} in odd
dimension. In particular in dimension 4 those cardinalities are smaller than the
cardinalities that had been known before (of order 2q^2).
What definitive
results on the minimal cardinality of complete caps are concerned, my research
concentrated on dimensions 3 and 4; in 1998 the problem was resolved for q=5 and
q=3 which had been the first open cases. In order to solve the problem in
PG(3,7) and in PG(4,4) detailed theoretical considerations were necessary in
order to reduce the calculation times for an exhaustive search. In particolar
the result in PG(3,7), including the classification of the minimal examples has
been possible only by using group-theoretical considerations as well as
graph-theoretic Ramsey theory concerning the relation between the existence
question of certain linear codes and of the arcs in question. In fact the
classification of the arcs has made possible to exclude those linear codes. In
[49] the non-existence of certain linear codes has been particularly useful for
the introduction of certain constraints on the hyperplane sections of complete
caps in PG(4,4).
In [3], [11] e [12] geometric mechanisms are used for the
construction of small complete arcs in PG(3,q), q odd, which in certain cases
yield arcs of minimal cardinality.
In [5], [7], [8], [24], [AC12], [42] e
[49] we address the problem of the spectra of complete caps in various
In [47] we improve upon the inductive method of [4] by
broadening the class of plane caps which can be used as a basis of the inductive
construction: the main result is the determination for q>8 and for each
dimension r>2 of a new upper bound for the minimal cardinality of complete
caps. In the same paper the notion of a sum-point of a complete plane curve is
introduced. This notion was helpful in the establishment of the new upper bound
for q<= 2^15.
What the maximum cardinality of complete caps is
concerned, new upper bounds are obtained [42]. In dimension 3 the maximum
cardinality is known, so the emphasis is on the second largest cardinality: in
[44] e [AC8] we construct a new infinite family of complete caps of size
(q^{2}+q+8)/2, q odd prime, q=2(mod 3), q>=11. This yields a new lower bound
on the second cardinality. A slight variant of this construction method yields
in case q=5 one of the two complete 20-caps of the second largest cardinality.
The r-saturating sets of a projective
space generalize the concept of a complete cap. Technically speaking a subset S
of PG(r, q) is called s-saturating if s is the minimum integer such that for
every point P of PG(r, q) there exists a subspace generated by some s + 1 points
of S which contains P. In case s=1 this is equivalent to the fact that the
bisecants of S cover the ambient space. Of particular interest is the
construction of minimal saturating sets (not containing proper subsets which are
saturating) of small cardinality, in view of the links to covering codes and to
other area of Combinatorics like the design of experiments and the
degree/diameter- problem in graph theory.
The problem of determining the
minimal cardinality of saturating sets turns out to be more complex than the
case of complete caps due to the fact that there are less geometric
The best known general upper bound on the minimal cardinality
concerns 1-saturating sets in the plane and is derived from statistical
estimations: this bound is however quite far from a lower bound which is
obtained by a simple counting argument. What exact values of the minimal
cardinality in the plane is concerned, in [20] and [AC21] the problem has been
resolved for q<=23, including the classification of the examples. The
complete spectrum of examples has been determined for q<=13: in [22]
estimations are obtained for certain extremal parameters pertaining to minimal
saturating sets in PG(n, q). A concept of saturating density is introduced which
allows to obtain new lower bounds on the smallest minimal saturating sets. In
the same paper we also determine the largest cardinality of a minimal
1-saturating set. Constructions of minimal 1-saturating sets in PG(r, 2) are
described in [AC3] and [36]. Some of these constructions yield sets of a
particularly symmetric structure in terms of internal lines, polygons and orbits
of the symmetry groups. As an example we studied an 11-set in PG(4, 2) named
central pentagon. Starting from examples of those constructions infinite
families of 1-saturating sets in spaces of growing dimension are obtained. In
small dimensions the complete classification of the 1-saturating minimal sets is
To an s-saturating n-set in PG(r, q) is canonically associated an
[n,n-(r+1)]_R covering code of covering radius R = s+1: In [23] new
constructions are given for infinite families of covering codes with R = 2; 3
and growing dimension. The basis for those inductive constructions consists of
the saturating sets constructed in the previous articles. The interest of those
constructions stems from the fact that codes with low covering density are
obtained. In [AC6] and [31] the concept of a locally optimal covering code is
introduced. It corresponds to the minimality property of saturating sets.
Constructions of infinite families of such codes are given. Classification
results are derived for those codes in ”small geometries” (for small values of
the codimension and of q), using algorithms written in Magma which perform a
search in width, utilizing projective equivalence and preclassification steps
based on invariants like for example the minimum distance. New upper and lower
bounds on the minimal and maximal lengths are obtained. In [AC13], [AC14] and
[50] we continue the study of r-saturating sets in spaces of dimension exceeding
3. A new instrument has been the utilization of the notion of a strong
blocking set which is a specialization of the classical notion of a blocking set
of species n. In particular we obtain, by use of a concatenation construction,
new infinite families of saturating sets of small cardinality in arbitrary
dimension which yield q-ary covering codes of asymptotic covering density higher
than had been known before.
In [AC25] a concept of a multiple s-saturating
set is introduced. It has been proved that in the linear case those are the
geometric counterpart of the multiply covering codes with MCF. One application
of those codes is in the football pool problem where the aim is to reduce the
previsions needed to multiply a victory. For such MCF codes we introduce a
concept of multiple saturating density as a quality characteristic: in order
to save resources one aims at those with lowest possible density. In
geometric language this comes down to multiple saturating sets of minimum
In the same work constructions are obtained of multiple 1-saturating
sets of small cardinality which improve on an upper bound which can be derived
via probabilistic results on classical 1-saturating sets. This paper belongs in
the context of current research where recently general construction procedures
of saturating multiple sets have been obtained using concatenation and
translation caps.
2.5. CYCLIC MODEL of PG(r,q) and
Studying the additive inverse of lines in the cyclic model of
PG(r,q), in [16] we generalized a result of M.Hall which states that in the
cyclic model of the projective Galois plane the additive inverse of a line is a
conic; in particular we showed that for the additive inverse of a line there are
two possibilities: either it is a (q + 1)-arc or it is contained in a
hyperplane. In dimension 3 the result is stronger as for the second
possibility we obtain a line. This result has then been generalized to spaces of
dimension larger than 3.
problem of the determination of maximal partial spreads in PG(3, q) (families of
mutually skew lines such that any line in the space PG(3, q) intersects at least
one line of the family non-trivially) has been considered. Originally this
problem has been studied by Dale Mesner in 1967. The currently best known upper
bound is due to Aart Blokhuis as a consequence of his results on blocking sets.
In his study of the case PG(3, 7) O. Heden proved that this upper bound cannot
be improved upon in general. The first open case for odd q was q = 9 with
possible cardinalities 75 and 76. In [40] the second possibility has been
ruled out: in a preliminary paper [38] the corresponding blocking sets in PG(2,
9) have been determined and classified. This has been used as point of departure
for the geometric study of the possible holes (points in the ambient space not
covered by a line of the spread). The result has been obtained invoking a
theorem by Blokhuis-Metsch concerning the weights of affine subspaces. In [L1]
with analogous approach, also the first possibility has been ruled out, solving
definitively the problem.
In the line of research concerning blocking
sets we studied partitions of PG(2, q); specifically we aimed at determining the
maximal number of disjoint minimal blocking sets. In particular it has been
shown in [35] that a recent conjecture of M. Kriesell according which planes of
non-square order q contain q/2 disjoint blocking sets may not be best possible.
In fact we found 5 disjoint minimal blocking sets for q = 8.
In parallel
we studied blocking sets in Mobius planes. There are no general constructions
and only a small number of known bounds: L. Lovasz has proved that each Mobius
plane of order q contains a blocking set of order less than 3qlogq whereas Bruen
and Rothschild proved that for q>=9 the cardinalities are greater than 2q-1. In
[P27] we determined the spectrum of the cardinalities for small values of q and
showed that for each natural number C there is a constant q(C) for each Mobius
plane of order q>q(C) the cardinality of a blocking set has at least 2q + C